This is

with heart

... for dining!

Cooking makes you happy, and so does eating!

Do you have a passion for cooking?

It’s a good thing to follow your passions on holiday too. So isn’t it wonderful that there is a kitchen at the aMoret apartments where you can cook for yourself? This “never have to, can if I want” mentality is exactly to my liking. In our Hotel Kranebitt right next to the Residence the heart - or rather the stomach - can have anything it could possibly wish for: From breakfast fit for an emperor to lunch & a snack (from 12 pm until 5 pm, except Wednesday).


The path to heaven leads past the teapot

... that's what I like to order first of all for breakfast. After that comes a yoghurt with fresh fruit, a slice of toast with butter and marmalade, and to round it all off, a croissant. Or perhaps a piece of cake? Heavenly, this spread... tomorrow I might go for something more savoury, with cheese and bacon and perhaps even scrambled eggs.

Lunch & Snacks

You’re not you when you’re hungry.

Of course there are Snickers at the aMoret too, but Patrick is always happy to conjure up something a bit more exclusive or healthy in the kitchen. And the odd sin is always allowed, right? Above all in the form of chocolate. Incidentally, chocolate contains vitamins, just not all that many, which is why you just have to eat more of it. Enough of chocolate! I’m craving a light summer snack now... perhaps melon with prosciutto?!

“Would you like a glass of wine?” “No, two please!”


A little lesson on this: one has to be able to say no occasionally too. No, seriously now, at the aMoret there is such a large selection of super-delicious dishes that deciding can sometimes be difficult and often we might prefer to eat two dishes at once. After all, you want to have tried everything by the end of your holiday, right?


If there’s anyone who really cannot decide, then Irene will be quick to help with some suggestions.

Pool comfort

What could be better than a pool? Well, a pool with a cocktail in your hand!

Ideally the cocktail will be brought to you on your lounger too... yes, at the aMoret, they do that. “Sluuurrrpp” - delicious! That’s one way of making the mountain sunshine by the water even more enjoyable!